
Juno’s Play

Argus’ Eyes and Juno’s Play were painted simultaneously. The goal for these paintings was to highlight the beauty in the colors in the body of a bird that is known more for their insanely colorful tail display. The depth of color in just their faces in phenomenal. The tail is purposefully blurred out so you concentrate and recognize the beauty in the head and neck of the male peacock.

The story behind the name of the painting is tied to Jessica’s love of Greek mythology. Argus was a many eyed giant and was Hera’s (aka Juno) servant. She tasked Argus to keep watch and guard Io, a nymph disguised as a white heifer, from Zeus. To free Io, Zeus ordered Hermes to kill Argus. Hermes beheaded Argus. To commemorate her faithful watchman, Hera had the hundred eyes of Argus preserved forever in a peacock’s tail.

The pair are SOLD.

Juno’s Play | 48 x 48 in. | Oil on Canvas
